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The Department of administrative law

The department of administrative law is a structural unit that supports the training of specialist personnel of the academy.

Subjects taught by the department:

administrative law;

activity of ensuring administrative responsibility;

management of administrative responsibility.

Publications by teaching staff of the department:

“Administrative law” (textbook);

“Regulatory legal problems of the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (monograph);

“Passport system: current state and development prospects” (training manual);

“Administrative responsibility for violating the rules of the passport system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” (training manual);

“Contemporary state of affairs related to the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (training manual);

“International standards and issues of legal regulation of citizenship in the legislation of some foreign countries” (training manual);

“Administrative liability for violation of legislation on licensing, permitting and notification procedures” (training manual);

“Administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of legal requirements of the officer of internal affairs bodies” (training manual).

A scientific circle of talented cadets was established under the department. In order to ensure harmony of theory and practice during the training process, close cooperation has been established with structural units and regional divisions of the Ministry of internal affairs, as well as with leading educational institutions.

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