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The Department of organizational-staff activity

The Department of organizational-staff activity is considered a specialized department major in the training of professional personnel for internal affairs bodies.

Subjects taught by the department:

organizational-staff and legal support activities of internal affairs bodies;

the activities of internal affairs bodies to work with appeals and to ensure proceedings;

informational-analytical work in internal affairs bodies.

Interactive methods and advanced approaches of education are widely introduced in the department. In order to ensure harmony of theory and practice during the training process, close cooperation has been established with structural units and regional divisions of the Ministry of internal affairs, as well as with leading educational institutions.

 Some publications by the team:

“Organizational-staff and legal support activities of internal affairs bodies” (textbook);

“The activities of internal affairs bodies to work with appeals and to ensure proceedings” (textbook);

“Informational-analytical work in internal affairs bodies” (textbook);

“Activity of legal support in internal affairs bodies” (training manual);

“Organizational department of internal affairs bodies” (training manual);

“Working with appeals and ensuring proceedings activities in internal affairs bodies” (training manual);

“Activity of duty part in internal affairs bodies” (training manual);

“Fundamentals of activity of situational-analytical centers in internal affairs bodies” (training manual);

  “The purpose, tasks and importance of informational-analytical work in the activity of internal affairs bodies” (training manual).

The scientific circle of talented cadets “Young analyst” and the club “Communication” were established under the department.

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